I dont take offense. I program 12 different languages, and TI-Basic is probably one of the most limited of those (second only to Logo), but that is why it is so fun to make discoveries. What irks me is people saying pure Basic games cant be good, or Basic is dead.

neither is true.

People are constantly coming up with new techniques in Basic, and there are plenty of awesome games in pure Basic.
lol, personally, my favorite language is Brainfuck (Sorry Kerm, i had to override the filter, as its a proper noun). Its hilarious that a language with only 8 instructions is capable of I/O and is Turing Complete. There are even several Brainf**k compilers that take up less than 200 bytes of space!

There is a good wikipedia article on both brainf**k and turing_completeness - so look em up!
there is a new program for running Brainfuck on ticalc.org
elfprince13 wrote:
there is a new program for running Brainfuck on ticalc.org

yeah, but its written in basic, so it wouldn't be nearly as fast as it could be....
new challenge for kllrnohj.
elfprince13 wrote:
new challenge for kllrnohj.

o.0 - i don't know ASM, lol, more like a new challenge for you! you've just programmer your first ASM program, so get to work on the next Wink
maybe after I finish asmin28
lol, i've gotten to like day 10 or so about 5 times, and I always say screw this crap....
Im on day 8 now after 3 days....mostly cause I made it to day 6 about 15 times and stopped. Now Im going all the way.
lol, good luck with that, hopefully you make it all the way to day 28 and become an ASM 1337 (0x539 anyone? Very Happy )
0x5. thanks
elfprince13 wrote:
0x5. thanks
At last! I have trained the natives to spe4k my l4anguag3. woot.
/me thinks its the air.

Im starting on a classic little "shoot the duck" type game.
elfprince13 wrote:
/me thinks its the air.

Im starting on a classic little "shoot the duck" type game.
Good stuff! How complex do you plan on making it?
not very. Just some more practice.

3 sprites. random flying height for the duck.yay.
Sounds like an excellent beginner project. Good Idea What progress?
I have the sprites done. Then I went to bed.
Done any thinking on how you're going to design the gameplay yet?
similar routine to what im using to move everything around in the little test program.
Coolness. Be sure to post up pix and clix when you make some progress.
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