I have decided to see how dynamic the RPG starter kit truly is by creating my own version of Pokemon. This will combine the red and blue versions into one pack, with an interesting twist. At the begining, you choose which version to play, and you make the attempt to catch all available in that version. Then after defeating the elite four, you start playing the other version.

What is so special about this, you might ask? Well, in the red version you can catch mewtwo, and in the blue version, you can catch mew, both in the secret cave.

For more info: http://s4.invisionfree.com/TIFreakware/index.php?showtopic=103
This should be cool/interesting. Can't wait. Smile
Well, I hope to make it interesting enough that people will play it for a long time. Smile
I would, I think it would be cool (I like blue version)
I liked the originals myself, and can't wait for Kirb's version of it. Smile

I am thinkin about makin it on the graphscreen, to be able to see more map area, and it would take less map data in the long run...
Actually, I can't wait for what everyone else makes using the modding program. The originals get old after a while (especially when you know all the secrets that are going to be added). Speaking of which, everything is going to mucho-funo when the harder version comes out. Especially with everything that's changed being unknown. Smile
Yeah, I need to play around with that some more. Smile
You should collaborate in some way, seeing how you both have good ideas about the genre.
Well, idea wise, that isn't hard. But he is programming on the 68k, in c, while I am programming on the lowly z80, in basic... Sad That would make things kinda difficult. Besides, The events are gonna be the pain to program in, the maps will be a breeze. Smile

And I have come up with a way to do 'scrolling' on the graphscreen. Very Happy I wish to experiment with it, and I will let you know of the results.
I'll make you an ASM program for that Very Happy
uh huh... You haven't even made that fast circle routine yet... Rolling Eyes Razz
lol, yeah, I saw it. Smile

Made in 90 seconds, huh? You could have made that a long time ago and not put up with all the nagging. Smile
No the one I'm dragging my feet about is the pic checker.
lol, it isn't overly important. Honestly, I think I am gonna scrap that project now anyways...

I tried makin a basic version of the hex sprite maker... So far I haven't had any luck with it...
Scrap Star Trek!? Why???
Keep your pants on, I am not scrappin Star Trek. I was talkin about the one that needed the pic to list program. I don't really think it matters if it gets built anymore...
Oh, ok. *whew*
TI-Freak8x wrote:
Well, idea wise, that isn't hard. But he is programming on the 68k, in c, while I am programming on the lowly z80, in basic... :( That would make things kinda difficult. Besides, The events are gonna be the pain to program in, the maps will be a breeze. :)

And I have come up with a way to do 'scrolling' on the graphscreen. :D I wish to experiment with it, and I will let you know of the results.

I know both and can "translate" as needed. Although anyone could read C as is and understand the jist of it (except for pointer arithmetic, which is just crazy). Or you could come to my IRC Channel on irc.worldnet.net, channel #nerdyprods. Or to my site, where I could make a private forum.
What is so special about this, you might ask? Well, in the red version you can catch mewtwo, and in the blue version, you can catch mew, both in the secret cave.

*Ahem* You can only catch Mewtwo in both versions; Mew could only be obtained via a gameshark, or at an official nintendo event. Also, will you inslude missingno? How about Glitch Town?
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