I am going to be starting up TI-City again soon, but I need some opinions on how the magic should be handled...

I like the idea of finding some item like scrolls to learn each spell, and perhaps after performing that piece of magic several times successfully getting a level-up on that piece of magic to make it more advanced/powerful.
That is an interesting idea... Someone has offered a suggestion that you learn a spell, but if you don't use it often enough, you "forget" it and have to either buy a new scroll, or do with out. I don't like that because if you get one of the high powered scrolls, and don't use it, then you will never be able to get it again...

Also, that would be too painful to program in. Razz
It's cool to see I'm finally being noticed. Cool

I still go with my first choice (as explained by you) because you need to think fast to win.
TI-Freak8x wrote:
That is an interesting idea... Someone has offered a suggestion that you learn a spell, but if you don't use it often enough, you "forget" it and have to either buy a new scroll, or do with out. I don't like that because if you get one of the high powered scrolls, and don't use it, then you will never be able to get it again...

Also, that would be too painful to program in. Razz

Well then, make the time it takes to forget proportional to the strength of that magic: the stronger it is, the longer it takes to forget it.
But the less you use it, the faster you forget.
Exactly. Smile So do you need any help with the algoriths?
Maybe once I figure out what exactly will happen... Smile So far, there is three different opinions...
Which are...
Once you get them, you can just "recite" them to cast the spell, taking mana.

Once you use it, you learn it, never forgetting it.

Once you use the magic once, you learn it, but after a while of non-use, it is forgotten...

I actually have a good idea on how to do that now!! Very Happy Man am I smart! Laughing

Basically, using list elements, you start out @ 0, and if it gets used, that particular spell gets +1 usage, but if it is not used, it gets -1 usage. Once it reaches -10 or -15, you forget the spell. I think I am going to make the special spells immune to that effect though...
Perfect. You got it. Smile Where is this project in your priority list?
While I contemplate the shield impacts, and/or recieve a response from Weregoose with a suggestion, I will work on TI-City. This is what I decided:

TI-Freakware's 1337 forum wrote:
Ok, I am going to make it so you have to use a scroll at a minimum of 3 times, (Weakest spell, like cure) so it can be learned. Some will take as many as 30 uses before it is learned. Then, after it is learned, you must continue to use it, because for every battle that you go into, any magic not used will get a -1, and every magic that is used, gets +1, to its max, which I will probably make 20-30 points higher than the min. Once the points reach 0, you forget the spell.

I have how I am going to accomplish this figured out in my mind, I just need to implement it now...

Please note that the quote is to get a laugh or two... Smile
Also, for Magic, I am going to make it so you have to use the Text Command program. typing "C" will give you a list of spells that you can "CAST" and to cast a spell, it would be: "C spellname"

Maybe I should integrate the text command interface into the rest of the game better?
Yeah, I think that would be an excellent idea. Make it that pressing F5 ([GRAPH]) or something similar would pop up the text entry box.
Should I use a seperate texting protocol for it than the one I am using on it now, just for the Magic? Right now it has the text system with the cursor...
No, keep that and expand it.
ok, I might be able to make it so if the first letter is "C", then it looks at another program for the definitions...

I also have that really handy, small texting program where you just type and the letters appear on the screen... I could easily integrate that...

If you don't know what I am talking about, http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/363/36335.html
yeah, I think you showed me that another time. Good cqall
Ok, then, I will see about adding that...
So wait, TI-City is RPGish? I thought it was going to be like an empire sim..
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