calc84maniac wrote:
I agree. Where did '0x5' come from, anyway?
I invented it, actually. "lol" in english is "101" in 1337, which if treated as binary becomes decimal or hexadecimal 5.
And it means the same thing as lol, right?
lol, the filter totally killed the meaning of that post. Smile
Yeah, I meant l o l.
yeah, it is getting annoying that filter. Time for a change their Kerm.
KermMartian wrote:
calc84maniac wrote:
I agree. Where did '0x5' come from, anyway?
I invented it, actually. "0x5" in english is "101" in 1337, which if treated as binary becomes decimal or hexadecimal 5.
We should start using ALU instead. Sounds funnier than 0x5. If you take LOL to represent numbers instead of representing it as 101 in 1337, then the lowest base for LOL is 25. Then you convert LOL in base 25 to ALU in base 36. I was playing around with a base converter program and decided to try LOL out and converting to base 36 gave the best result. If we get bored of 101, 5, 0x5, or aren't interested in ALU, we can just convert it to some other base...
Actually, both my post and his got distorted by the filter. Very Happy Oh come on, I think it's a good replacement.
Okay, here is my attempt to beat the filter: lol
Lol,I can't do it! Just Joking
lol - n00b, I pwn t3h f1lt3r Very Happy
A1l 7h3 f1l7e|2's b453 4|23 b310|\|6 70 m3.
@n00bs: In English, Kerm's post reads: All the filter's base are belong to me Very Happy
Ultimate Dev'r wrote:
@n00bs: In English, Kerm's post reads: All the filters are belong to me Very Happy

I thought it was: All the filter's base are belong to me.
So maybe I'm not 100% accurate when I multi-task... Very Happy
Way too many big words in that first post for me...
DShiznit wrote:
Way too many big words in that first post for me...
Another option, you could be non-lazy and actually read it, since if you call tl;dr on it it probably applies to you.
Wow, that was a two year necro that would've been unacceptable only moments ago, until the post was stickied.
jbr wrote:
Wow, that was a two year necro that would've been unacceptable only moments ago, until the post was stickied.
Yup, that would have been completely unacceptable (although he fact that it was linked in another topic would have made it a little less horrible).
my new torquescript l o l filter

also, great replacement content for a Lego game Wink
thanks for pointing that out.
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