Kerm Martian Reaches 400,000 Downloads
Published by KermMartian 18 years, 9 months ago (2005-07-25T04:00:00+00:00) | Discuss this article

Once again climbing to ever-higher milestones, I am proud to announce that Kerm Martian and Cemetech have passed four hundred thousand downloads at the premier community website After roughly three and a third years as a published author, Kerm is the number one busiest author with 281 statistics-collecting files and dozens of other screensavers and animations, number 18 going on 17 in the top downloaded authors of all time, and consistently within the top ten downloaded authors each week. Recent, more complex projects such as Pong v1.1, Doors CS 5, World Domination I, Civilization Simulator, and Brix Builder have drawn increasing attention from the community. In addition, with the addition of interactive forums and member areas, plus hosted groups such as The BASIC Elite, Cemetech is receiving more and more visitors. We look forward to this trend continuing! You can view Kerm's author page at

